Join the Taskforce in Countering Hate Speech

June 18 marks the International Day for Countering Hate Speech, a day dedicated to raising awareness of the harms of hate speech and promoting inclusion. There is no place for hate in Durham Region. The Durham Region Anti-Racism Taskforce is taking a stand against all forms of hate activity today and everyday.

The Taskforce is committed to fostering a strong and inclusive region. By welcoming and celebrating what makes us unique, we can create a place where everyone can thrive. We can build healthy communities on a foundation of respect and understanding.

If you witness or experience hate speech or a hate motivated crime or incident, you are encouraged to report it. For more information, please visit Durham Regional Police - Stop the Hate! Report Bias and Hate.

Helpful resources:

Black Legal Action Centre

Canadian Anti-Hate Network

Canadian Human Rights Commission

Council of Agencies Serving South Asians

Legal Aid Ontario

Ontario Human Rights Commission

Victim Services Durham

Victim Services Ontario

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