What does it mean if a patron is distanced from 1635 Dundas Street East?

Distancing is a term and practice that is used in the Shelter sector. Shelters, including low barrier shelters, have rules and codes of conduct for patrons and staff to follow. The rules support the health, safety and well-being of the individual patron, other patrons, the staff, the physical space and the surrounding community. Distancing, where the patron is asked leave the shelter for a determined period of time, is the final step in a progressive process used in shelter settings to manage, or respond, to behaviour or an incident in a shelter. A progressive process is a series of steps taken to assess each situation accordingly. If it is deemed necessary for a patron to be distanced from the shelter the period of time they are asked to leave is determined based on the significance of the behaviour or incident. Staff at the shelter will assist patrons through the distancing process to support developing alternate plans.

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