A Time to Re-evaluate

Story collected by Will McGuirk, website: slowcity.ca

Bernie Leroux is a Professor of Media Art and Design, and Educational Developer for Indigenous Learning at The Centre For Teaching and Learning; both positions at Durham College. He lives in Brock Township.

“Through this I have re-evaluated everything, but prime among them are renewed concepts of prosperity and personal success. Suddenly, with all the restrictions, I have changed my sense of values connected with relationships and personal growth and this has provided a deeper appreciation of what is valuable in life beyond material possessions.”

“Close family members and close friends offer solace and comfort in conversation and sharing experiences, usually by phone or online. I also dug deeper into my own art practice and found more time to devote to those activities.”

“I will continue to spend more time on producing and exhibiting my artwork and improving my home/property and entertaining friends and family at home… perhaps a bit more travel within Canada.”

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