#1 - Christine Crescent Redevelopment survey
As we start on the first phase of our community engagement process, we have put together a quick survey to help shape the Christine Crescent redevelopment.
By completing this short 10-minute survey, you will help to inform future community engagement sessions as well as the design of the redevelopment!
If you have other ideas that are not part of the options on this survey, we encourage you to provide us with your suggestions in the spaces available.
If you would like to fill out the survey in another language or would like some help filling out the survey, please email us at ChristineHousing@Durham.ca
This survey will close Friday, December 8, 2023.
Questions 12 to 19 help us to understand the reach of the survey and whose feedback we might be missing. Responses to these questions are voluntary.
Please be advised that any personal information, such as your name and contact information, that you voluntarily submit on this form is collected and handled in accordance to the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA) and will be used only to respond to you regarding your feedback. In order to do so, your information may be shared with authorized personnel, which may include contracted service providers. Learn more about Durham Region’s privacy practices by navigating to the Terms of Use and Privacy Statement webpage. Questions or concerns about the collection, use or disclosure of your personal information can be directed to the Region’s Access and Privacy Office at privacy@durham.ca.